We offer electrical and thermo-hydraulic plants both for the home and for industry
We work with companies that offer a highly qualified intervention service for any type of electrical system, from installation to testing, from repair to maintenance, offering maximum professionalism and quality of materials.
We carry out maintenance on civil, industrial and condominium electrical systems, using only highly qualified personnel and cutting-edge materials and technologies.
Art Deco - Civil and industrial plant

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We work with companies that design and manufacture the latest generation of hydraulic and thermo-hydraulic systems, guaranteeing quality and assistance over time.
One of the main objectives of the Art Deco company is to give its customers a turnkey service to optimize time and have a single point of contact.
Art Deco - Civil and industrial plant

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Solar thermal power
The solar thermal system uses the energy of the sun to produce hot water, both as a supplement to the heating and for the production of domestic hot water. Thermal panels are usually placed above the roofs of buildings. They are distinguished in flat systems or vacuum tubes, and are connected to a storage tank (or kettle) which contains the heated water up to the moment of its use (eg shower).
The thermal collector therefore has to do with heating, and can be combined with the boiler, heat pump and underfloor heating, which is particularly suitable due to the low temperatures needed (40-50°C against 60-70°C of radiators).
Solar photovoltaic systems, on the other hand, use solar energy to produce electricity. In this case, the photovoltaic panels absorb the energy of the sun and convert it into electrical energy with direct current, which will be transformed by an inverter into alternating current, that is the one destined for domestic use. This system can also be combined with electric water heaters or heat pumps to heat domestic hot water.
In both cases, these technologies depend on the sun, which gives most of the energy during the day. The problem is that, as the days of an average person (or a family) are organized, energy is required at completely different times: peaks between 6 and 9 am and between 7 and 10 pm in the evening.
For this reason, both technologies are equipped with storage systems:
- in solar thermal, the panels are always associated with a kettle
- in photovoltaic, it is possible to buy the panels individually, but with the accumulation you can save up to 50% more each bill.
Art Deco - Civil and industrial plant

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